Countries like India with a vast reservoir of young are resource constrained. It is imperative that innovative and sustainable solutions be evolved locally to address everyday conflict between human demands and global resources. This urges creation of fundamentally different business model innovations.
For any investment to be termed development, it must relate to people, enhance their quality of life and living, usher in more efficiency and productivity while costing less to create to build initially and then further on to maintain. It must pass the test of whether it is needed in the first place at all, or if what exists can be reused, recycled, restored and does it reduce the need for natural resources. For any solution to be called sustainable it must simultaneously be equitable, socially inclusive, ecologically responsible and must relate to the people, their needs and their culture.
Metro Valley philosophy called Sarvagun Sampan explores a demonstrative methodology, which anchors responsibility for conserving for our future generations while ensuring that each use of its resources passes the above test of prudence in any audit regarding development.
Metrovalley is adopting a unique approach, which we call – Sarvagun SampanTM – a concept derived from the wisdom of ancient Indian knowledge systems. Our approach towards creating a built space environment is a holistic approach that looks at the Site, People, Society, Energy, Water and the Eco-Print as an interdependent matrix that leads to a complete and prosperous living experience. Sarvagun SampanTM!
Sarvagun Sampan literally means blessed or endowed (sampan) with all (sarv) the elements (gunas). And this is what our approach towards creating a new built space environment is – a balanced approach that results in a harmonious co-existence of man with nature.