A hyper information age has descended upon humanity and is constantly challenging the human faculties to assimilate, dissect, understand, process and relate to it. The focus of humans in a society has got cocooned in self-interest, caused by the intense engagement with information from all sides. This along with the reliance on computers as a means of information gathering is converting a whole age of aspirational generation into social introverts. Metrovalley's research into the needs, wants, nature and behavior of people has indicated that there are conflicts of interest between employees demands and the expectation of the managers and also thrown up some very disturbing social signs that can have adverse economic as well as social impact.

In a world getting economized by paucity of resources and driven towards lower-cost large-sized markets, there is a painful metamorphosis underway. The need of the marketplace for lower cost products is causing huge imbalances in office work floors as higher costing older employees get replaced by young but insolent work brigade. To add to their woes, organization loyalties and work commitment is slowly fading away. In such circumstances, high infrastructure costs are challenging the financial intellect of companies. Unless companies can work in central locations, they cannot attract the best manpower. And yet, providing loaded offices does not ensure employment loyalties or greater productivity. Office design solutions are copied from their successful branches with a hope that such design solutions will enhance employee engagement and lead to healthier balance sheets. This does not seem to work.

The greatest dilemma is how to empower, engage and retain employees while finding ways to enhance their productivity and loyalty. This is a Catch 22 situation that managers find hard to cope with.

Metrovalley's research for years on employee behaviour and organizational needs has evolved a new direction for workplace solutions that are more inclusive, retain a cultural flavor while being socially binding and have the potential to create lower cost options at central locations. Some of the findings are discussed in the essays which can be accessed on this website and show the expanse of our work in an indicative manner in this direction.  

Focus Areas

  • Social Impact of Office Spaces on office workforce
  • Office designs of the Future
  • Creating Equitable and Universally Accessible offices
  • How to enhance multi-tasking of work spaces
  • Create solutions to improve Work-Life Balance for workforce
  • Creating Stress-free work environment solutions
  • Demand patterns of the educated young workforce
  • Impact of culture on office productivity
  • Industry specific Internal Office Illumination needs
  • Studies on Social impact of Built Spaces on Employees
  • Organizations Objectives related social issues
  • Lowering attrition and improving Productivity at Workspaces
  • Methods of engaging employees in CSR goals
  • Employability enhancement and empowerment of people
Metrovalley can save well over 60% of the energy used by an ASHRAE compliant office building DALE SARTOR
Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory
Berkeley, California

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Metrovalley engages in studying light to determine the light levels at a workplane to evolve energy efficient methods and strategies for a workplace.

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Metrovalley is constantly exploring architectural layouts materials and structures which are based on its model of Form Follows Energy Principle and intergrating in its plans.
